Restrictions on travel over the last twelve months have led to meetings, conferences and presentations on virtual platforms becoming the norm. In November CFA Director Karin Goodburn presented at the Food Focus South Africa Food Safety Summit.
The conference attracted over 800 participants and Karin joined international high profile colleagues including Bill Marler (MarlerClark), Richard Swannell (WRAP), and Prof Lucia Anelich. Issues covered included emerging pathogens, biocides and antimicrobial resistance.
In February, Karin opened the National Biofilms Innovation Centre webinar on Microbes and Biofilms in the Food Industry with a presentation on Food Hygiene Biocides – Regulation and Reality and later that month she was invited by the British Herb Trade Association to kickstart their new food safety group. She presented on 25 years of CFA fresh produce safety assurance work.
15 April 2021