Years of ultimately successful lobbying of the European Commission by the Food & Biocides Industry Group (CFA News 54) around the regulation of maximum residue limits of chlorate in food materials have received further recognition and support from the Health & Safety Executive.
The Group, established and chaired by CFA’s Karin Goodburn, has now issued various Chlorate MRL Best Practice Compliance Guidance Documents. They are all available as free downloads from the CFA website ( and include guidance on multicomponent food written by Karin.
Karin explains: “With HSE expecting companies to be ready for potential challenges on traces of chlorates, which arise from the required usage of hygiene biocides to assure food hygiene and safety, we believe these guidance documents will prove invaluable. They include details of how businesses can develop a statement of compliance, using practical examples such as the contributory factors to presence of traces from produce, grain, protein and water from the use of hygiene biocides. The multicomponent foods guidance works through the approach with the example of the components of a chicken salad sandwich”
The full range of FBIG guidance includes fresh and prepared produce, fruit juices and soft drinks, dairy products, and cured meats.
15 April 2021