CFA’s longstanding relationship with waste reduction and sustainability charity WRAP, spans almost two decades. The Association was a founding signatory of WRAP’s Courtauld 2025 (C2025) Commitment and a signatory of WRAPs Courtauld Commitment 2030.
CFA is also a member of a group that is developing WRAP Scope 3 Green House Gases Measurement and Reporting Protocols. CFA encourages its members to support The Food Waste Reduction Roadmap (a free access initiative for UK food businesses, developed by industry in collaboration with WRAP and the IGD).
The commitments bring together food organisations – from producer to consumer – in voluntary agreements to make food and drink production and consumption more sustainable. They have set various targets that help signatories on their journey to become more sustainable by setting individual business targets.
CFA Director Karin Goodburn explains: “Chilled prepared food has an excellent track record in sustainability, with, for example, more than 99% of food waste diverted from landfill. So we are natural partners for WRAP in this commitment. CFA’s longstanding sustainability activity, our Chilled Education programme including advice on how best to store and use food, and our shelf life research (SUSSLE) all contribute to C2030’s aims.”
“The Courtauld Commitment 2030 is a voluntary agreement from WRAP, that enables collaborative action across the entire UK food chain to deliver farm-to-fork reductions in food waste, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water stress. We are delighted to work in partnership with the CFA, as one of our engagement partners, to collaborate, promote changes and share best practice which will help deliver the collective Courtauld 2030 ambition. In a world where the effects of climate change are becoming ever more visible and damaging, it’s ever more important that everyone contributes to play their part in achieving our shared goals.” Catherine David, Chair of Courtauld Director of Behaviour Change and Business Programmes WRAP
CFA is proud to have built up partnership with various stakeholders to accelerate sustainability agenda.
26 March 2024