CFA publishes water quality management guidelines (3 Jan 2006)

The Chilled Food Association has published the second edition of its “Water Quality Management Guidelines” providing unique guidance to chilled food manufacturers and their suppliers on what should be included in their site water quality management policies.

By law, UK water supplies must be ‘wholesome’ but the supplier of the water is only responsible for its quality up until the point of delivery to the factory site. This means that the food producer is responsible for maintaining the quality of the water once it enters the site water distribution system. In addition where a private water supply is used, the food manufacturer carries total responsibility for water quality.

This Guidance covers the prevention and management of potential microbiological hazards from the use of water in chilled food manufacture. Reference is also made to the prevention of potential chemical and physical hazards from water used in chilled food production. The main chapter on “Developing a Site Water Quality Management Policy” includes subsections on:

  • Responsibility and Management
  • Water Supply to site
  • Water Treatment and Distribution
  • Water Usage and Risk Assessment
  • Monitoring Water Quality and
  • Corrective action.

There are specific appendices on Cryptosporidium, Legionella, Water Authority Risk Assessment, DWI Acceptable Limits, Water Sampling Procedure, and aspects of Factory Water Risk Assessment, plus definitions and an extensive bibliography.

Said Kaarin Goodburn, CFA Secretary General, “The CFA Water Quality Management Guidelines” contain invaluable information and advice for companies on how to meet their responsibilities under the EU General Hygiene Regulation (EC/852/2004) and the EC Drinking Water Directive (EC/98/83). The document, which is written from a UK perspective but is also applicable internationally will be of interest to all chilled food companies as well as the wider food industry.”

CFA’s “Water Quality Management Guidelines” can be ordered online (price £55.00) from the CFA website.

Date issued: 3 January 2006