High quality food that’s easy to prepare saves time and fuels the nation
It’s been around for over forty years, is growing and very relevant to our future. Chilled food has been available since the 1960s. The first modern chilled food products were coleslaw and potato salad, then in the 1980s ready meals started to appear, the first being cottage pie
The market is still growing at >4% pa
To quote one CFA member, the chilled food manufacturing industry ‘will probably be one of the last remaining manufacturing industries in the UK’
It’s part of almost all our lives, and you might not even realise it –
The UK’s chilled food industry makes 15,000 different foods, mostly every day. From fresh soups and pasta to ready made sandwiches and prepared salads chilled foods can be found on our tables and in most people’s lunch boxes and fridges.
In 2004, over 80% of UK households bought a chilled ready meal with over 40% buying one within any given month (Source TNS 2005).
Nearly all (more than 95%) of chilled prepared foods are sold under the retailer’s brand.