FSA Vacuum Packing/MAP Guidance – more questions asked


In June 2022 CFA Director General Karin Goodburn MBE gave evidence to the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) Subgroup conducting the review of the entire risk basis of the FSA Guidelines on the control of non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum in the vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging of chilled food (CFA News 58) and looking more widely at botulism risks.

The subgroup was not authorised by FSA to review the guidance in relation to fresh meat although industry maintains that it does not reflect internationally-established risk. CFA is seeking correction of technical errors and removal of UK-only technical barriers to businesses. Instead, as is standard for other pathogens, information required for the use of HACCP should be provided by FSA including continuing to allow the use of risk-based data for the use of novel thermal and other processes.

Critical corrections needed include testing methodology to focus on toxin testing, and amendment of FSA’s lethal rates table, which CFA has advised FSA for more than a decade does not deliver the stated 6-log process below 90 degrees C. At least one consulting laboratory is using the incorrect data in reviewing companies’ thermal processes, potentially compromising food safety.

The Subgroup Chair gave a verbal update on the subgroup’s Report at the 9 February ACMSF meeting, but the Report was not circulated. Karin Goodburn put further questions/comments at that meeting and explains: “Although the Report has not been circulated we welcome the indication of the long awaited amendment of the lethal rate table and inclusion of toxin testing, but need reassurance from FSA that incorrect content of its documents will be corrected swiftly.

“The urgency of this cannot be underestimated and we remind ACMSF that this has been stated by industry to FSA for many years but not acted on. Our final question surrounds timing; apart from the immediate actions needed to safeguard consumers, we call on FSA to tell us when the work on revision of the current guidance will start, whether CFA will be involved and how enforcers will be advised to act in the meantime.”

The subgroup’s report was expected in Q1 2023, with ACMSF next meeting on 22 June 2023.

April 2023